Tuesday, May 24, 2011

7th Grade Pre-AP final

May 24, 2011

4th 9 weeks exam

English: 7th grade Pre-AP


Directions: Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. You will not be graded on length; rather, accuracy is what I am expecting. If you can respond correctly in one sentence, then write only one sentence. If it requires seven sentences, then seven sentences is what you should provide. Please email your final answers, due Friday, May 27th by midnight at: ochukw@neisd.net. You are able to consult your notes for this test. This is not a group assignment; copied work will result in a zero for both parties.


  1. What is a conjunctive adverb equivalent to, and how would you use it in a sentence?








  1. How do adverbs and adjectives differ from one another? Write two sentences, in one sentence use adverbs while you use adjectives in the other. Use these sentences as tools to explain the contrast between adverbs and adjectives.












  2. Write a haiku or sonnet about middle school life. Use at least two poetic devices (i.e.: personification, hyperbole) in your poem. Next, explain your thought process in using these devices.













  3. Define a preposition. Why are prepositions almost exclusively found in a phrase? Why do you think people have so much difficulty with this part of speech?











  4. Provide definitions for the following; homonyms, homophones, and homographs. Furthermore, give an example of each kind and meaning of each particular word.



    Bear: a carnivorous animal that lives primarily in cold weather climates and hibernates in the winter.

    Bear: the ability to endure a situation







Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Battle for Worthington: Prequel

Brandon and his evil clan of mutants have long tormented the small town of Worthington, Texas. Years ago, Joseph Humble led a peaceful Worthington as mayor of the town and president of Worthington National Bank. Then, to the demise of all involved, Jacob Braggart arrived to town with only the clothes on his back. Unknown to the people of Worthington, Jacob fled to Worthington after murdering his father-in-law in Columbus, Ohio. Jacob, and his young family (wife, Rachel and triplets Justin, Rosa, and David), were taken in by the Humble family. Mr. Humble treated Jacob like a son. He introduced Jacob to all the influential people of the town. Rachel was adored by Mrs. Humble; in fact, Mrs. Humble made Rachel president of the community refugee foundation. Of course, the children were groomed in the finest schools at the expense of the Humble family.

Mr. Humble was warned about Jacob's temper. After a dispute over a stock trade tip, Jacob nearly beat Moses Johnson to death. Nevertheless, Joseph's faith in Jacob did not waiver. In fact, three weeks after the assault, Mr. Humble paid for Jacob to extend his education at the Wharton School of Banking in Pennsylvania. The plan was to hone Jacob's banking skills, so he could return to Worthington and eventually succeed Humble as president of the bank. Jacob returned slightly humble and poised to lead an honest life as was the example presented by Mr. Humble.

Brandon Ismael had worked at Worthington National Bank for twelve years. In his mind, he was an excellent candidate to succeed Mr. Humble as bank president. Instead, this Jacob Braggart, from way out of town, received all the praise from Humble. As time progressed, so did Brandon's hatred for Jacob; he investigated Jacob's previous life to find something that he could use against him. To his great delight, the Columbus Dispatch featured a story about the unsolved murder of Abel Jones (father of Rachel Jones Braggart). The author of the story implicated Jacob as the lead suspect citing his swift departure from Columbus shortly after Abel's death. This information is what led to the destruction of Worthington, Texas.

Brandon did not seek justice for Abel's murder; instead, his desire was to "blackmail" Jacob. First, he got one of his distant cousins to turn himself in as the murderer of Abel Jones. Then he put his "fangs" into Jacob Braggart. Brandon informed Jacob of the solved-murder case in Columbus. Jacob received this information with a great sense of fear. The first thing that came to mind was that he would need to kill Brandon to maintain his secret. To Jacob's demise, Brandon was a mind-reader. He told Jacob. "If you're planning on killing me, please note that my people already have a plan setup to kill your family if I die!" Brandon came from a family of mutants all with limited superpowers. For instance, Brandon could read your mind only if he was within close proximity and he knew your birth mother. During his investigation of Jacob, Brandon communicated with Jacob's mother on Facebook. He tricked Mrs. Braggart into thinking he would help her find Jacob. Brandon did all of this in order to steal the town of Worthington from the citizens, and to relinquish the leadership of Joseph Humble.

There was another family with superpowers, the Humbles. The problem was they were powerless in situations where somebody they entrusted was present. Brandon used Jacob as a puppet to destroy the Humble family. Jacob convinced Joseph to take his family on a yacht trip. Brandon rigged the yacht to malfunction once it was miles away from shore. As soon as the yacht reached twenty miles from shore, the boat began to take on water. No one in the Humble family could swim except for the two-year-old Joshua. Prior to the trip, Brandon removed all life vests. Due to his large guilt, Jacob had planned to die with the Humble family on the boat. However, minutes before the ship was to completely sink, Joseph called Jacob to him. "Jacob, when I first met you I knew all about your past and I knew this day was to come. I allowed all of this to happen in order to save you and your family. Take this life vest, and swim to shore with Joshua. When you get too tired, Joshua will swim you to shore. Raise him like a son. When the time comes, he will save Worthington from Brandon and his evil clan of mutants."


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Presidential Runs

Do you believe Donald Trump ever seriously considered running for president?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Where does responsibility lie?

Ultimately, who is responsible for the education of a child?